Come August, every year, this nation of 1200 million, are looking forward for the 15th of the Month. Especially this year, 2011, this 15th falls on a Monday and surely there will be many planning a long week end. From 12th evening to the 15th evening, its 3 full days of weekend for those working for ESSO group of companies and organisation. For those, who are little confused about this ESSO, besides being an American Oil Company, it is also an acronym for Every Saturday Sunday Off. Thus, there will be thousands of families planning or have already planned to travel out of their routine place of residence. These families would be depriving their school going children to participate in the Independence Day Celebration in their respective schools, since this was the day 64 years ago, our colonial masters, the British, left the Indian shores for good, leaving us to fend for ourselves.
Of course for those who witnessed the historic moment of our tricolour going up on the ramparts ...