Friends We are into 2016. Old order changeth yielding place to the new. Hence at the outset, it’s WISHING ALL OUR READERs, PATRONs & WELL WISHERs A GREAT NEW YEAR. The year 2015, that went by, like the previous year had its ups and downs, politically, economically and even socially. In U.S, forthcoming, presidential election has thrown up myriad personalities in both Democratic and Republican camp, with Donald Trump making the most controversial demand of banning entry of Muslims into the United States. ISIS attack on Paris, has been the high water mark of emerging socio/political upheaval that this year could witness. Syria and Iraq continues to be a problem area with major political players, like U.S and Russia being joined by France, Britain and Germany in fighting the barbarous terror outfit. Economically the world is rather sedate with China sliding down in its GDP, with only India showing some steady growth. Crude appears to be on a bad spin with prices on a continue...