Friends, The old order changeth, yielding place to the new. The 2016 old man was flogged to welcome the New Year 2017. So, at the outset WISHING ALL OUR READERS, PATRONS & WELL WISHERS A GREAT NEW YEAR. 2016, has been an epochal year by any stretch of imagination, besides the usual ups and downs in politics, economics and of course the social tremors becoming slowly an essential concomitant of our day to day life. Looking back over the 12 months that has passed by, in January 2016 Donald Trump had made that audacious demand of banning entry of Muslims into the U.S. And come to think of it, U.S. voters have overwhelmingly voted the controversial real-estate baron into the WHITE HOUSE. Yes, the first coloured man Barak Hussain Obama, is vacating the American Presidential Palace this month after 8 years in the most powerful address in the world. He is the first coloured man to have occupied the 'whites-only' territory of Capitol Hill in Washington. Joe Klein of the TIME, c...