
Showing posts from July, 2020


ECONOMY IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC On 24th March, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in an address to the nation announced lockdown for the country as a prelude to facing the Corona pandemic head-on, beginning from midnight. So the country had hardly 4 hours to attend to essentials. Whether it was right or wrong, is a matter which has lost its relevance to-day as 3 months have already passed and the unprecedented chaos of migrant labourers spread all over the country have travelled back to their homes. As of now, things have fairly settled down, but the painful memory of trials and tribulations suffered by the jobless labourers attempting valiantly to make it back to their homes, shall remain etched in the national consciousness for a long time to come. Economic disruption that came about due to the lock down caused unprecedented uncertainties to a vast section of Indians especially those living on daily and monthly wages. In a country where easily over 70% are in this category, the resultant...


MONTH-IN-PERSPECTIVE NEW DELHI: Controversy regarding PM-CARES fund has strangely gone quite. Why? Not very clear. As all know PM-CARES fund as is clearly spelt out in the CARES acronym is Citizens Assistance & Relief in Emergency Situations. It has collected some Rs.10,000 crores since its inception. Many companies besides individuals have contributed under Corporate Social Responsibility. Even this writer has contributed to this fund. So it’s a fund collected from public and private non-governmental organizations. According to the details available in the public space all contributions are 100% exempted from Income Tax as legitimate expenditure and therefore it is certainly accountable for its receipts and payments to the general public. But unfortunately, not only the fund managers have failed to put the details of transactions in the public domain, but has stymied and refused to part with these particulars. It is strange even Supreme Court failed to stand by those who went ...