Secularism -the need to walk the talk The concept of secularism in the West is that of the state keeping aloof from religion and religious faiths. In countries where a highly predominant majority of people belong to one community or large group of homogeneous communities secularism can be narrowly defined as it is usually understood in the Western countries – as indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations from the state.However, Secularism gets a distinct connotation in societies with a substantial plurality with many fundamentally different faiths, religions, languages and social mores. The Nobel Laureate Amarthya Sen says, “The long history of heterodoxy has a bearing not only on the development and survival of democracy in India, it has also richly contributed…to the emergence of secularism in India, and even to the form that Indian secularism takes, which is not exactly the same the way secularism is defined in parts of the West… The form as w...