
Maggi Healthy Soups
Gimmick leaves a bad taste in the mouth
By flashing the words like "Happy Heart" and "Healthy Soups" on its packs of Maggi Healthy Soups, Nestle India claims that the product leads to better heart health. It also mentions that REAL (Centre for Right Eating and Active Lifestyles, a unit of DFI), recognises that the soups that are low in fat and cholesterol help the heart stay healthy. The promotion through print ads in magazines like Femina and the TVC’s (TV commercials) in Zee, HBO, etc. might have caught many consumers unawares.
ASCI found, on independent testing, that the product contains high levels of salt which releases sodium (well known to have direct link to hypertension/ high blood pressure) into the body. Moreover, "the pack does not give any details of DFI or REAL to substantiate its credibility. The DFI and REAL are neither an international body nor any Centre recognised by the Government of India as a competent authority to take a stand on health of the heart", said the Council. The advertiser has assured appropriate modification of the Press ad, TVCs and promotion messages on the pack.
In unenviable corporate soup


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