What They Said

“National Herald and DDCA, Question of Answers”, (I&C Feb-16). 
Both are interesting pieces, well-written. Author has an excellent ability to neatly summarise an issue. Quite comprehensive, yet pithily written.                                     -Dr. Ravishankar Rao, Professor of English and Director, International Students Centre, MangaloreUniversity.

Mr. Editor, you are subtly transforming readers interested in I&C. The growing feedback response is the proof. And you are fair enough even to put the distressing comments. Glory to God. Feedback thoughts are always fodder thoughts. We all chew the cuds what we ate…. Differences of thoughts are free flowing in democratic (Demo-critic) set up. I sincerely appreciate you for what you have been trying, to bring change metamorphically. Prof. B.M Hegde’s articles always have an extra appeal though they appear to stick out like a thumb to many. “Early mobilization is very essential”- is definitely yes. Even when I underwent open heart surgery in 1966, it was the thumb rule. My going round the sick bed held by medical people though annoyed me then, I know now, pain alone brings tolerance in life at all ages. Exercise- helps Kudos! 
-Dr J.N Bhat, Mangalore

Ref. Your Focus: Feb 2016- on DDCA
 There was this report in the print media, and I quote “Despite all allegations, cricket continues to take a back seat at the DDCA office. Official sit idle and recount merrily how two members decided to take a toss on who would slap one of the senior most officer bearers of the association. The winner, apparently, actually carried out the dare. This incident took place a few years ago, when Jaitley was at the helm. That’s DDCA for you”. Unquote.
Now this is a googly that Jaitlley cannot duck. Not sure if it is appropriate to quote here an English Saying. “If a man stops being better, he stops being good as well!”                 -A reader, Mangalore

I & C Feb: 2016. Focus on National Herald
The accusations leveled against Young India and its directors raise serious questions as to how political parties should spend its resources. The question is- what will happen to our democratic process if tax free funds held by these political parties enter balance sheets of privately held companies.                                                                                          Surya Prakash, New Delhi

I am a silent admirer of Issues & Concerns and very rarely respond in writing  to the issues raised therein. However, in  the February 2016 issue a letter has been published purported to have been written by me. It is a mistaken identity.  I request you to check the identity of the writer again. I know that it was not deliberate. Still, it is better a clarification is published in your next issue.                                                                                                                                    Prof. K. Rajmohan Rao
We have realized our mistake. We profusely regret the slip on our part.                   -EDITOR

A Soldier’s Father (I&C Feb 2016), by Wing Comdr Venky Iyar, was a superlative piece of writing. Mr. Lachman Singh Rathor, the father of 3 brave sons had lost them all in service of the nation. Can his sacrifice ever be repaid by our nation? Will the powers that be in the New Delhi’s corridors ever even know the heroics of a father who sacrificed all his sons.
26th January comes and goes every year, awards are announced to winners, cricketers, tennis badminton players, some celluloid actors. All of whom have made name and fortune. They even scout for these awards. What about those who lost their all like this Mr. Lachman Singh Rathod? Will they even be remembered in the corridors of power? Its indeed “Cry my beloved country” for those who lived and one day would die for the nation unsung. 
Laxman Amin, Ullal.


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