Friends, Month of May has gone leaving most parts of the country high and literally dry. Water Crisis all over India did cause a major concern. There has been unscheduled rain in different parts of the country for just a day or two. While it did help, with rise in some ground water level, it also helped mercury level to go down. Hope it was not only a passing respite. The Month of June supposedly herald the onset of monsoon. Meteorological men have predicted more than normal monsoon. They were even very specific by saying it will be 4% more than normal. While they said, last week of May as the possible time of south-west monsoon to set in, now they have changed it to the 2nd week of June for the onset of monsoon. So what to take or what not to take is left to the reader. In any case the uncertainty is truly causing concerns. We need rain to come, soon and in plenty. Month that went by saw elections to many states. Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu have seen elections t...